Update on my Novel

My 71,000 word mystery/crime novel has been making the rounds of book agents and Indie publishers. It has been rejected by four agents and one Indie publisher.

I will review it to see if after not looking at it for a couple of months things look different. Maybe I can improve it.  I may consider finding beta readers.
I can also pay thousands for an editor. Or even self publish.  

But, while I am feeling down about it, when I look at the rejections famous best selling authors experienced, maybe I just need to stay the course. Get it back out there and start writing book two of the series.

Book/Author     Times Rejected
Watership Down, Richard Adams. 20
Carrie, Stephen King   30
The hunt for Red October, John Clancy 12
The Lost Get-Back Boogie, James Lee Burke  111
The Thomas Berryman Number,  James Patterson 31
The Time Traveler’s Wife, Audrey Niffenegger 25
Dune, Frank Herbert 23
Catch 22, Joseph Heller 22
Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, J.K. Rowling

