Friday the 13th

A little frustration invaded my soul today as I attempted to photograph the colorful birds at our feeder. We have a resident raccoon, Arthur, who thinks he owns our back yard. He sticks his head in my window, eats the bird food even though he has his own food. He will chase the birds away. […]

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Novel Update and my general dissatisfaction with the publishing world.

After a highly rated independent book publisher held onto my mystery/crime novel for over six months, they finally admitted they are backed up with books and have no intention of considering any new ones for at least a year. Ya think they could have told me that six months ago? They even charged me $25 […]

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Writing Career Update

After publishing my humor book in 2022 I worked on a 71,000 word mystery/crime novel, finishing it late last year. I started sending it to agents. When that didn’t work I sent it to smaller independent legit book publishers. Not vanity presses. They are traditional publishers but not associated with one of the giant guys. […]

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Coffee Shop

Coffee Shop Writing

I write better in a coffee shop. Owl and Otter Espresso Lake Placid, Florida Mudslide Coffee Punta Gorda, Florida     Serenity Coffee Shop Okeechobee, Florida Florida Farmhouse Coffee Arcadia, Fl    I do have a dedicated office in my home, desktop computer, laptops, wide screens, nice keyboards, and yes, I can make French Press coffee […]

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Update on my Novel

My 71,000 word mystery/crime novel has been making the rounds of book agents and Indie publishers. It has been rejected by four agents and one Indie publisher. I will review it to see if after not looking at it for a couple of months things look different. Maybe I can improve it.  I may consider […]

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How to tell if a man’s shirt is ready for the laundry.

Men have a sophisticated system when it comes to their clothing. If a man wears a shirt for just one hour, he doesn’t want to toss it in the clothes hamper. I mean, it is practically clean! One hour worn! Men apply this same highly developed system to all levels of clothing cleanliness. Women on […]

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The Things We Treasure

What is it with the things we save, the oddball items we somehow treasure? 1970. Miami Central High School. My senior year. My favorite teacher was my English teacher, Mrs. Barbara Jean Turner. She was a brand new teacher, one of the best, and actually only about five or six years older than I was […]

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Country Driving

I currently live in a very small, isolated town in Florida that is about two hours from the nearest real city. Driving here is more of a challenge for me than when I drove through Miami traffic. Sure, there were the occasional gun shots and fender benders in Miami, but the patterns were predictable, and […]

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